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3A Unit2第二课时教学课件

发表日期:2019/12/2 18:24:46 出处:南京市江宁区江宁中心小学 作者:孙雪妍 有850位读者读过




Meeting with the new language

1.Show the learning aims.

2. Free talk

T: I’m Miss Xu, you are… Right?

S: Yes.

T: Are you…?(choose 3 in the name list)

Ss: Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. I’m …

(板书并带读 Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.

3. Act

     Practice in 5 and act and give the assessment for each group.

Step3 Fun time 7’

1. Model

T: You did very well. Now do you want to play another

3. Lead in

a. Let’s watch “Are you Mike?”


T: Please read the rhyme in your group.

S: (pay attention to the intonation, the children can clap their hands…)…

a. Make the new rhyme.


S: Discuss and say.


Making use of the new language

4. Cartoon time


a. Look at the pictures and answer

T: Who are they?

Ss: Bobby, Sam

T: and Bobby’s friends

T: Can Bobby see Sam?

SsNo.(Point to Bobby)

T: Good. Bobby is touching Sam’s tail. So what can Bobby ask?

S: Are you …?(引导学生使用Are you…?提问)

b. Watch cartoon

T: Now let’s watch the cartoon and repeat.


c. T and Ss act as Cat and mice.

Practice in pairs

*对话让辩* *评价让位*

Ss act out the story and tick.

The students and the teacher make the model first.

Play: 学生四人小组接龙活动,表演课文

Ss: Good. (让学生学会最简单的评价用语)

 Step3 Making the new language theirs


5. Play a game: Fun time





1. 听录音,跟读动画内容。

2. 表演the rhyme给家长看。