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3A Unit3第二课时教学设计

发表日期:2019/12/2 18:28:02 出处:南京市江宁区江宁中心小学 作者:孙雪妍 有1008位读者读过

Unit3  My friends(Period 2)


一、教学内容Fun time & cartoon time




2)能听懂、会读、会说词汇my, friend, shes, hes, goodbye, too, sister, this, is以及能认识Tina这个人物。

3)通过看卡通片,理解句子This is my sister 的含义。





2.能听懂、会读、会说词汇my, friend, shes, hes, goodbye, too, sister, this, is以及能认识Tina这个人物。

3.自然熟练地运用本单元所学的日常交际用语Hes/Shes理解句型This is



Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings.

T: Now class begins. Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Chai.

T: Lets enjoy the song《Friends》. Do the action with me. (用欢快的音乐,活泼的动作,调动学习兴趣,使学生尽快进入课堂。)

Are you happy? Yes! Because we have many friends here. Today we will learn Unit3 My friends. 读课题Unit 3 My friends.(红粉笔标注s)

2. Free talk & Revision.

(1)T:Hello, Im Miss Chai .

S: Hello, Im …

(2)T: Hello, Im Miss Chai .Are you…?

   S: Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im…

T: I know some of friends here.

(3)出示Story time内容,复习背诵课文。

T: Look!Hes Mike. Shes Yang Ling. Theyre friends. Can you remember the story? Lets try to recite it.

 Step 2 Presentation

1.教师出示Cartoon time中Bobby图片背向学生:Can you guess whos he?

Hes Bobby. Yes, youre right. This is Bobby. Please look at this picture.呈现Tina的照片,问:Is this Bobby? No, shes a girl. Shes nice. Shes my new friend. This is Tina.(板书句型)This is Tina.

2.PPT 呈现声音和句型,学习句型This is,仔细看老师口型模仿。教授连读。跟读,开火车读。

3. Can you introduce your friend to me? 到学生中间,指着某生,让学生配合介绍同学给老师认识:This is

4. Are they friends? Lets listen and find it.


 This is Tina. Shes my    .(friend, sister) (板书,打好四线格,中间用红线标注。书写的时候让学生用手指书写并拼读。)

5. Learn the word sister. Listen and repeat. Follow the teacher.

Read together. Read one by one. 跟读完整的句子Shes my sister.

6. Look! Why does Tina run away?(做动作) Lets watch the cartoon. Yes, shes afraid of Sam. Bobby is very angry, right?(用夸张的动作让学生明白害怕与生气,体会故事的幽默含义。)

7. Read after the tape. Sentence by sentence.

8. Read in groups.(先分组读,然后使用动画,角色表演。)

9. Act out the story.(学生台前表演,小组加分。)Sam and Bobby are good friends.

Step 3 Make and say

1. T: Now boys and girls. Let me introduce my friends to you. First, let me make a card for them. Firstly, draw some pictures on it; secondly, put the photos on it; at last, draw some clothes for them. Is it nice?(用简笔画形式画出相框,点缀些小花,简笔画呈现衣服。)

Look, shes Miss Song. Shes my friend.

Hes Mr. Guo. Hes my friend too. Theyre my friends.(指向课题)

(事先打印好卡通词条,人名地方用省略号表示,并把Miss Song和Mr. Guo的名字单独打印,帖在省略号处。)

2. Lets look at the big screen. Read the sentences together.(播放动画,学生齐读句子。)

3. Do you want to make one?

4. Take out your card, and talk with your partners.(小组间互相讨论。)

5. Introduce your friends like this.

6. Friends show.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 《伴你学》P18.Read and choose.学生做完以后直接对答案。

2. 完成《补充习题》P12,D部分Read and trace(描红)

Step 5 Summary

  1. 当你想告诉别人那个男孩/女孩是你的朋友时,可以这样说:Hes/Shes Hes/Shes my friend.

  2. 当你想介绍这是你的朋友时,可以这样说:This is

  3. 小组评价,表现最好的小组获得徽章(badge)一枚。

  4. Review the lettrs.

    Step 6 Assign Homework

    1. Finish the exercises.

    2. Try to recite Cartoon time.

    3. Prepare P22-23.


    Unit3 My friends(2)



    This is Tina.

    Shes my sister.