My home
发表日期:2007/11/28 13:15:58 出处:本站 作者:无 有1370位读者读过
能听、说、认、读单词phone, table, bed, shelf, fridge, sofa等单词。
能通过句型:“Where is the…? It’s in \on \under\near….” 来询问本课所学单词的位置。
师生互相认识后,在黑板上画一个简笔画电话: I have a phone. My phone number is 63732732. You can call me.事先在衣服口袋里放一个phone,让学生摸一摸并猜测。T:Is it a phone.?S:Yes. It’s a phone. T: let’s call zoom. Let’s go to zoom’s home.
1. 到了Zoom的家打开后第一张图片phone,T/Ss talk about the phone. 后。出示单词卡ph__ne,请学生根据发音来填出缺的字母.
2. T:The phone is on the desk. 打开table问:Is it a desk? No. it’s a table. 引出table。Talk about table后,出示几张图片让学生判断,Ss: Number 1 is a table. Number 3 is a table. Number 4 is a table. Number 6 is a table. Others are desks. 出示单词table 和 fridge, 请学生分辨哪个单词是正确的。
3. T指着两个单词说:This is table. Anther is fridge. 引出fridge。Talk about the fridge后,发散学生的思维T:Can you guess what’s in the fridge. 学生:Apples in fridge. Pears are in fridge. Beef is in fridge.
4. 将fridge的单词放在房间不同的地方,问:Where is the card? 学生: It’s on the desk/table/fridge. 最后教师将卡片放在沙发上,说:It’s on the sofa. 跟读: 沙发沙发sofa.。出示单词卡s__fa,请学生根据发音来填出缺的字母.
请学生举出其他的类似于这种的单词,学生举例之后,老师将单词coffee\jeep\chocalate\ bus\ 总结在一张纸上,全班齐读。
5. 继续打开shelf. Talk about the shelf. 发散学生的思维T:What’s on the shelf. Ss: A Chinese book \story book\math book\computer book is on the shelf. 跟读 E---E ,|e|--|e|--|e|. e|--|e| shelf. 出示单词卡bed.请学生根据直拼法读出发音。并教学Bed. 跟读Make the bed.
1. 游戏:听音出示卡片。
先教师报单词“Show me the …”,学生出示学生卡片.接着请一名学生报单词,全班同学出示卡片。
2. 同桌两人玩卡片游戏:一个学生从六张卡片中随便抽出一张,请另一个学生快速念出单词。
3:游戏:Where is the cat?
教师变换小猫在房间中的位置,一名学生背对黑板猜测小猫的位置,全班一起提问:Where is the cat? 该学生回答:It’s in\on\under the shelf\bed\fridge…
phone table bed shelf fridge sofa
1 2 3 4 5 6
Where is the shelf? It’s near the table.
Where is the table? It’s in number 1.
Where is the phone? It’s near the fridge.
Where is the fridge? It’s in number 6.
Where is the bed? It’s in number 3.
Where is the sofa? It’s near the bed.